Tower vibroprillers
Tower vibroprillers
In 1998 one of business lines of «Grace-engineering» LLC becomes development, production and installation of vibrating prilling systems for mineral fertilizers:
– urea;
– ammonia nitrate;
– complex fertilizers.
Experience of engineers specializing in vibro prillers production, constant construction improvement and development of vibro prillers alongside with a modern production facilities allowed “Grace-Engineering” LLC occupy the leading position in the field of prilling systems production at the enterprises of Eastern Europe and Middle East.
Nowadays, Vibro Prillers of «Grace» production are currently running in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Algeria, Serbia, Bulgaria, India, Turkey, Romania, Poland. Our customers are the major enterprises of domestic chemical complex for the production of prilled mineral fertilizers.
Parameters of Vibrating Prilling Systems:
- prills monodispersity – construction has got optimal hydrodynamics of the process;
- reliability and simplicity of operation – system doesn’t include complex electronic and other systems but is based on the simple technical decisions using components of global producers;
- durability – materials are selected in order to provide the maximum service life of more than 10 years;
versatility – one vibro priller is equipped with changeable buckets and can operate at different capacity: for static vibro prillers – from 5 up to 35 t/hour and for rotating Vibro Prillers the capacity may vary from 30 up to 200 t/hour;
- independence – each prilling system is equipped with Automatic Control System, which allows to generate vibration, depending on melt level in the bucket of Vibro Priller;
- ecological cleanness – minimum dust formation while prilling and absence of environmental pollutions.
Products operability assurance
With a view to operability ensuring within the warranty and post-warranty periods, the company performs the following works:
- construction design and all kinds of calculations;
- material selection and testing;
- quality control at all the stages of production;
- test stand operation of vibro prillers in the presence of a Customer including all the modes, corresponding to the modes of operation;
- delivery and supervised installation;
- performance test at the customer’s tower according to the program, approved by customer;
- service works within the warranty and post-warranty period on the first customer’s demand;
- spare parts delivery on the first customer’s demand;
- training of customer’s specialists – operation technology, assembling-disassembling, inspection, mounting-demounting.